CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum
执行主席:胡成臣 博士,西安交通大学教授
CCF YOCSEF西安学术委员会委员
执行主席:张鹏 博士,西安交通大学讲师
CCF YOCSEF西安学术委员会委员
执行主席:陈晓江 博士,西北大学教授
CCF YOCSEF西安学术委员会主席
程 序
9:50 签到
10:00 报告会开始
特邀讲者:熊杰 Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University
演讲题目:Pushing the Limits of Indoor Localization in Today's Wi-Fi Networks自由交流
Jie Xiong received his Ph.D from the Department of Computer Science at University College London. He held a Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Wireless Networking for his doctoral studies. His research interests are in building wireless systems that uncover the gap between theory and reality. His recent work has appeared at MobiCom '15, SIGCOMM CoNEXT '14 (Best Paper Award), MobiCom '14, MobiCom '13, NSDI '13 and INFOCOM '11. He received his M.Sc. and B.Eng. degrees from Duke University and Nanyang Technological University, respectively.
Wireless networks are ubiquitous nowadays and play an increasingly important role in our everyday life. A lot of wonderful emerging applications heavily reply on Wi-Fi and require an even better Wi-Fi network. These applications include wearables, augmented reality, indoor navigations and etc. One key component for the success of these applications is accurate indoor localization. The wearables need to have the location information in order to deliver the most relevant recommendations. The augmented reality applications need the location information to provide corresponding useful information. While we have GPS in the outdoor environment, indoor localization at a sub-meter granularity remains challenging due to a number of factors, including the presence of strong wireless reflections indoors and the burden of deploying and maintaining any additional location service infrastructure.
The recent trend of dramatically increasing numbers of antennas and higher bandwidth at the indoor access point, mainly to bolster capacity, brings us unique opportunities to improve the indoor localization performance. Two indoor localization systems will be introduced in this talk. The first, ArrayTrack, is an indoor location system that employs angle-of-arrival (AoA) techniques to track wireless clients at a fine granularity in real time. ArrayTrack is the first localization system hosted on Wi-Fi infrastructure to achieve accuracy below 30 cm via a novel reflection-path identification scheme. ToneTrack is another location system, which overcomes the bandwidth limit on time-based localization by combing data from adjacent channels. With the scheme proposed in ToneTrack, it’s possible for us to achieve millimeter level of accuracy in localization, which will enable Wi-Fi radar application in the future.
执行主席 胡成臣
胡成臣,西交大青年拔尖人才计划特聘研究员,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才,ERCIM fellow, 微软Star-Track青年学者,清华大学优秀博士毕业生、优秀博士论文。主要研究方向为计算机网络通信系统。中国首枚网络处理器芯片原型第四完成人,作为项目负责人和主要研究人员承担和参与国家自然科学基金3项,973子课题1项,863课题3项,国家重点实验室开放课题1项,企业合作项目若干项。担任INFOCOM,GLOBECOM,ICC等多个大会的TPC成员。研究成果发表论文70余篇,包括IEEE JSAC, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, IEEE Trans. on Comm., INFOCOM等重要国际期刊和国际会议。
执行主席 张鹏
张鹏,本科毕业于北京邮电大学计算机学院(2008),博士毕业于清华大学计算机系(2013),导师为林闯教授。博士期间曾为耶鲁大学、香港中文大学访问学生。年至今为西安交通大学计算机系讲师,CCF YOSCEF西安AC委员。主要研究方向包括网络安全和隐私、软件定义网络、内容中心网络、网络编码等,论文发表于INFOCOM,TPDS,JSAC等。
执行主席 陈晓江
博士,CCF YOCSEF西安学术委员会学术主席(2014-2016),西北大学信息学院教授,教育部创新团队骨干成员。现任西北大学信息学院副院长,西安市物联网遗址保护工程实验室副主任。近年的研究工作主要集中在物联网(无线传感器网络)、移动互联网应用于大型文化遗址保护、生态动物保护领域的研究,主持国家自然基金面上项目2项,国家科技支撑子课题1项,教育部重点基金1项,陕西省和西安市各类科研项目多项,在Infocom、Icc等国际会议和IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、Springer Wireless Network、ACM Computer Communication Review,Neurocomputing,软件学报等期刊发表论文50余篇。受理国家发明专利36项,其中授权11项,获软件著作权31项,省市科技进步奖2项。