CCF Honors Two Professors with Life Achievements Award


CCF Life Achievements Award, CCF recognize those have been made remarkable achievements and tremendous contributions in the fields of computer science, technology and engineering.

CCF Awarding Committee decided to honor Professor Wang Shan, Renmin University of China, and Professor Wushour Slam, Xinjiang University, with 2022 CCF Life Achievements Award, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the development of computing industry in China. 

Wang Shan     Professor, Renmin University of China

Professor Wang Shan is a famous database expert in China. 

She carried out the earliest research on parallel database technology with multiple architectures in China, and actively practiced the industrialization of scientific research results. She led the development of Jincang series of domestic databases and widely applied in key departments, making outstanding contributions to the development of China's software industry. She and Professor Sa Shixuan compiled the first database textbook in China, which has a far-reaching impact and has cultivated a large number of outstanding database talents.

Wushour Slam     Professor, Xinjiang University


Professor Wu Shouer Slam is an expert in multilingual information processing. 

He established the theory, method and technical system of Vihako information processing, laid the foundation for the research and development of domestic multilingual operation system. He opened up a new field of minority characters information processing, and promoted the minorities to enter new era of digital office in China.