讲者:周傲英 华东师范大学副校长
数字化本质上是数据化和数智化,数据是万物互联的桥梁和媒介,更是新一代人工智能的基础,是促成转型的新动力(New Power)。新型信息技术的重要特征就是从“以计算为中心”向“以数据为中心”转变。我们处在一个新的技术起点,新时期的计算机科学教育不仅仅是传统的专业教育,也是一场新的启蒙运动,会带来新的科学、理性和人本主义,涉及人类的认知和意识的改变。
热门报告二:《Teaching Online in 2020: What are we learning in US universities?》
讲者:John C. Mitchell Mary and Gordon Crary Family Professor, professor of computer science , Stanford University
With only a one-week notice, many US colleges and universities abruptly moved all spring 2020 teaching online. We managed to do something that would have been unthinkable a decade ago. But this has been very difficult for instructors, institutions, and students. And we are going to suffer through another year.
讲者:战德臣 哈尔滨工业大学计算机学院教授
讲者:张龙 教育部在线开放课程联盟联席会秘书长
热门报告五:《Online Education: A Potentially Golden Opportunity for Computing》
讲者:刘兵 美国伊利诺伊大学(UIC) 计算机科学杰出教授
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning have been moved to online globally. For the first time in history, online teaching tools and platforms have recorded a huge amount of detailed data of teaching and learning activities, which allow an unprecedented study and analysis of online education. However, the new opportunities offered by online teaching are not only for data analysis and data science, but also for HCI, AR & VR, graphics, visualization, computer vision, NLP, new paradigm of pedagogy, integration of online and in-class teaching, and bridging the education gap of poor and rich regions. It is now quite clear that the Covid-19 pandemic has forever changed our ways of teaching and learning and our ways of working. However, the current technologies supporting such activities are still far from adequate or ideal. The question is whether we, the computing professionals, can develop the next generation tools and platforms to enable teachers and students to have the same or similar interactive experiences in online education as in in-class education to improve teaching and learning
讲者:廖勇 电子科技大学软件工程专业核心课程首席教授